In 2016 we worked with our friend Logan Niblock to create a 6 episode web series entitled SCIENCE! for Cartuna. The series was written by Archer’s Neil Holman. With a crew of 3, it was a huge undertaking creating about 21 minutes of animation (animation is hard everyone). The cast…
Category Archives: Traditional
Here’s a project from a little while ago! This was the second episode we animated of Pencilmation, it came out in June of 2017. Pencilmation is one of the few animated shows to succeed on YouTube, they are able to release episodes every few days. We’ve animated 5 episodes, Cake…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
This little piggy went to market! I (Levi) entered the last LoopDeLoop! My loop was selected as one of the 100 screened and there were just a little less than 200 entries. I made this one in ToonBoom Harmony, a program that I am now in love with and no human…

Just a little reminder that we are still active and making things! We’ve had a lot of projects we’ve been unable to share anything about (but will be able to soon) and some we just haven’t shared because we are too busy to blog. In the meantime here is a…
Tim and I were lucky enough animate an episode of the popular web series, Pencilmation! There are not many weekly animated YouTube shows (because animation ain’t easy) and the fact an online animated show like Pencilmation even exists at all is amazing. Each episode is really fun and it’s easy to…
Tim and I designed and animated original characters for Sesame Street! Well, Sesame Studios, which is the online version of Sesame Street. We worked with Ross Bollinger, creator of the very popular Pencilmation YouTube Channel who sent us a basic blocking of the story. From there we created characters and animated the video. It was…
Moon Animate Makeup 2 launched today! I posted an in depth making of my shot a few weeks ago. If you want to watch the project in it’s entirety you can do so in the video above. My shot is at 15:58 seconds in so keep your eyes peeled! They also…
Well you guys, we milked this ol’ gal for a good month and a half of Bloggery. I’m sure you’re as sick of hearing about this thing as we are of writing about it so I’ll leave you with some fun facts about this Loop. It won the April/May Adelaide Screening…
Wow! Can you believe we’re at the final step of our fantastic voyage through the animation process? We’ve made backgrounds, designed characters, made an animatic of quick thumbnails, keyframed and tweened the character. We only have 3 steps left to go! Clean Up, Colouring and Compositing or the 3 C’s as…
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