In 2016 we worked with our friend Logan Niblock to create a 6 episode web series entitled SCIENCE! for Cartuna. The series was written by Archer’s Neil Holman. With a crew of 3, it was a huge undertaking creating about 21 minutes of animation (animation is hard everyone). The cast of voice actors was amazing but because as of 2019 it still hasn’t been released there is a lot about it that I am unable to talk about.
Everyone wore a lot of different hats in the production so it’s hard to lock down exactly what titles could be assigned to each person. We all worked as animators on the project, but Tim created the backgrounds, I did the compositing and editing, Logan was the character designer and art director. We each worked together on the Animatics. I (Levi) spent a lot of time looking at spreadsheets. Ultimately between the 3 of us, we managed to wrangle together an amazing looking series that I hope will one day be released. It’s ever online we’ll put the episodes here, but for now, you’ll have to make do with a collection of some cool shots Tim and I animated cut to a Karaoke track of She Blinded Me With Science, a song that sadly does not appear in the series.