Well you guys, we milked this ol’ gal for a good month and a half of Bloggery. I’m sure you’re as sick of hearing about this thing as we are of writing about it so I’ll leave you with some fun facts about this Loop. It won the April/May Adelaide Screening of LoopDeLoop, which is decided by an audience vote at the screening. We also have no idea how many hours went into it in total but it was likely around 100 hours. It’s also important to remember that this was a fairly efficient process. In the past I’ve had friends ask for music videos for their band or other little projects to be done and they don’t believe me when I tell them how long animation takes. WELL DO YOU BELIEVE ME NOW?!
Hopefully you learned something from this series of entries! If you’ve somehow missed our in depth making of this piece then follow these links to learn more about the production. Background Painting. Character Design. Thumbnails/Animatic. Keyframes and Tweens, Clean Up, Colour and Compositing. Now we need to think of something new to write about.