We’ve been animating on the Cyanide & Happiness Shorts and Show for almost 2 years now through the direction the lovely LowBrow Studios. The very first thing we got to work on was the psychological thriller: Hot Dog Bed (Season 01 Episode 05) FYI: Bitches Love the Hot Dog Bed.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
Tim and I worked on this Television commercial for Adelaide Lawn Wholesalers. The commercial itself was produced by Jarvis Marketing. They contracted us to animate the character at the end of the commercial. It was a great job and we’re really happy with the results.
On this episode we got to experiment with Adobe After Effects with the puppets. Allot of the character movement was done with the Motion Sketch tool; dragging around the character with the pointer and the movement being recorded/applied to the objects. There was also some “wigglers” scripted into most things…
It was super fun animating the “Not Doing That” segment for Cyanide & Happiness Show (Season 01 Episode 04). Brings me back to those nights watching infomercials at 3am about magic mops and Soft Rock CD compilations for old old old people. -Tim

Hai-ku, a grotto elf kabuki assassin who only talks in Haiku. A bunch of us at the office are playing Savage Worlds, and we’re all drawing through it. You can see a bunch of cool cats at http://www.animatorsplaydnd.tumblr.com/ Summery of the last Savage worlds session: “We fool the goblins Pretend as false…
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