Way back in the year 2015, we animated a segment on the Comedy Central animated sketch comedy series Trip Tank! Our section was called Ghost Bros, and appeared in Season 2 Episode 5 “Short Change”. The characters were designed by Bill Northcott from Candy Burger. If you want to see…
Category Archives: Television
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In 2016 we worked with our friend Logan Niblock to create a 6 episode web series entitled SCIENCE! for Cartuna. The series was written by Archer’s Neil Holman. With a crew of 3, it was a huge undertaking creating about 21 minutes of animation (animation is hard everyone). The cast…
Tim and I worked on this Television commercial for Adelaide Lawn Wholesalers. The commercial itself was produced by Jarvis Marketing. They contracted us to animate the character at the end of the commercial. It was a great job and we’re really happy with the results.
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