This year we worked with the good people at portable to create 6×60 second animations for #Chatsafe. It’s a mental health organisation with a special focus on young people and how they can use social media to safely communicate about mental health. This was a very unique job for Tim…
Category Archives: Animation

The TV show we animated with Logan Niblock years ago finally found a home and is airing tonight!! (but not in Australia sorry)! SCIENCE! is now being aired on the SyFy Channel as a segment of their animated variety series TGZG. If you’re Australian or don’t have SyFy then…
In late 2018 we animated an episode of Pencilmation entitled I’m With Cupid. This was by far the most challenging episode we worked on, clocking in at an impressive 3 and a half minutes. We really put a lot of elbow grease into the animation of this one and hopefully,…
We created a video for BioGuard Canada! We worked with our friend Logan Niblock. This video came out very nicely, it’s always fun to be able to pour some good character animation and colour into an explainer video.
Way back in the year 2015, we animated a segment on the Comedy Central animated sketch comedy series Trip Tank! Our section was called Ghost Bros, and appeared in Season 2 Episode 5 “Short Change”. The characters were designed by Bill Northcott from Candy Burger. If you want to see…
We worked with Passel Media to create this video for the (now defunct) Fund My Neighbourhood website. The initiative was created to allow the public to vote on what neighbourhood projects should receive funding. The organisers discovered that the average age of the website was older people and figuring out…
In 2016 we worked with our friend Logan Niblock to create a 6 episode web series entitled SCIENCE! for Cartuna. The series was written by Archer’s Neil Holman. With a crew of 3, it was a huge undertaking creating about 21 minutes of animation (animation is hard everyone). The cast…
Here’s a project from a little while ago! This was the second episode we animated of Pencilmation, it came out in June of 2017. Pencilmation is one of the few animated shows to succeed on YouTube, they are able to release episodes every few days. We’ve animated 5 episodes, Cake…
In 2018 we worked with Black Sheep Advertising to create 7 short animations for Barramundi Wines. These pieces were to be displayed on the Barramundi official Instagram and Facebook Page. We had a lot of fun animating the character Barry and finding weird and cheeky ways for him to pop…
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